We've already touched upon why there is suffering, but let's talk about why God allows it to continue. This is an extremely important issue. This is an issue that torments deep-thinkers down far into the depths of their souls. It's an issue that has lured many into the churches, worn out from the world, hoping to find answers. It's one that drives many away from the churches, and away from God himself, because the answers are not found, and life is just hard. It isn't because we have a ruthless, hateful God who loves to watch us suffer. We have a God who is love (1John 4:8). What he does (or doesn't do) is always based on love. So, how do we wrap our heads around this? To some, It doesn't make sense.
Even Mother Theresa, during her darkest hours, serving amongst the ones suffering and dying in Calcutta, questioned why there was so much anguish, and if a God really did exist. If he did exist, then why wasn't he helping? Why did Mother Theresa not know the answer to that question? I find it shocking that in all of her years serving her church, that she didn't. However, many spiritual leaders professing to be Christian ministers today do not know the answer to why God allows suffering. It is disturbing to hear reasoning such as:
"We don't know why God does what he does. Just have faith."
"We need to have evil, or we wouldn't know what good is."
"God is punishing us."
The above reasons place blame on our Creator for mankind's suffering. This does not teach Truth. God is not the cause of our worldly problems. However, it is honest to say that he has allowed the hardships of the world to continue.
What is the Truth?
To understand why God allows the state of things to continue, we need to understand what the main issue was behind the events which took place in the Garden of Eden. Yes, the account explains why we have sin; it teaches us the importance of obeying; and it shows us that there is a being among us, capable of trickery and destruction who we need to watch out for. But, it also teaches us so much more.
When Satan manipulated Adam and Eve into disobeying their Creator, he raised a very important question: Who really has the right to rule? He brought into question the sovereignty of Jehovah. Satan challenged Jehovah. This is very important to recognize, because it was the main issue then; it is still the issue today; and it affects every single one of us.
(Please take time right now to read Genesis 3:1-7 in your own copy of the Bible.)
Satan was very sly. He did not call into question Jehovah's power. He very well knows that there is no limit to Jehovah's power. After all, it is by such power that the entire universe was created! Though by bringing into question Jehovah's sovereignty, Satan was essentially placing doubt and wonder into the mind of Eve concerning her Creator. Satan even implied that perhaps Jehovah was lying and was withholding good things from them.
(Gen 3:4-5) At this the serpent said to the woman: “You certainly will not die. For God knows that in the very day you eat from it, your eyes will be opened and you will be like God, knowing good and bad.”
By saying, "You certainly will not die", the serpent called Jehovah a liar, because Jehovah had said that they would die if they ate from the tree. Perhaps those deceptive words led Eve to consider thoughts such as:
"God told us that we would die, but this snake (who is speaking!) is telling me that we won't die. Why is this? Perhaps there is more than what God is telling us."
"What possibilities could be opened to us by the eating of that fruit that he has withheld from us? After all, a snake is talking and telling me these things. Did he eat from that very same tree?"
"What would it be like to make our own decisions and to decide for ourselves what is good and what is bad? Why do we need someone to tell us what is best for us anyway?"
The serpent was insinuating that Eve could, in a sense, be her own goddess. In fact, since Jehovah provided all of their needs in abundance, this was really the only thing Eve didn't already have: the right to rule herself-To be able to decide for herself what is good and what is bad. How tempting! And of course, Satan was clever enough to make it so.
The Bible doesn't say exactly what was going through Eve's mind, but any or all of those thoughts could have been. After all, that was the end to which Satan was striving...to manipulate the disobedience to Jehovah as to challenge his right to sovereignty. Despite what thoughts were being pondered within Eve's mind, Satan accomplished his task. Eve disobeyed her Creator's wishes, by partaking of the forbidden fruit. She then convinced Adam to do the same. At that moment, they had made the decision to reject the perfect rule of the one who gave to them, and sustained, their very lives. They made the decision to reject their Creator's direction, and instead, to direct their own step.
(Jeremiah 10:23)
How well did that decision work out for them?
Jehovah, being a loving God, honored their request. So that they could not also eat from the "tree of life", they were set outside of the boundaries of the Garden (Genesis 3:22-24). This should not matter to them as they had decided that they no longer needed their loving Creator to provide for them. Now they could fend for themselves. They could experience the world on their own, without Jehovah's protection and provisions. They could make decisions for themselves. They could essentially rule themselves. Unfortunately, as Jehovah had lovingly warned them beforehand, that by making the decision to eat the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and bad, they would experience death. Thus, not only would they be responsible for passing on the inclination towards badness (selfishness, pride, greed, etc.) to their offspring, but now also the inevitable outcome of death. This is definitely not what God had originally intended for mankind, but rather what the first humans chose for themselves.
Jehovah could have used his extraordinary power to simply wipe out Adam and Eve and start over. However, because of his great wisdom, he knew that this would not suffice. Not only were the uncertainties and questions that Satan brought forth placed into the minds of the two humans, but the angels were also engaged. Since the angels can listen, observe, and were also given free-will, this issue was now something that they would inevitably take sides on as well. As we know from scripture, a great handful of angels did, in fact, follow Satan. Therefore, by simply removing Adam and Eve from the earth and starting over was not a good plan. There would still be angels questioning if Satan could have been right. Sure, it would have been a convincing display of Jehovah's great power, but it wouldn't prove that his sovereignty was the most beneficial way to follow. How would they know for sure? Who's to say it wouldn't happen again? Jehovah needed to set the record straight once and for all.
Immediately, Jehovah set a plan into motion (Genesis 3:15). So, the fact that he has a plan is true. But purposely putting people through anguish for punishment is not (James 1:13). Remember, humans initially brought the suffering upon themselves, by rejecting Jehovah's rule. Something to think about: Does this not still happen today?
The Bible teaches us:
1. What Jehovah needs us to know about his sovereignty;
2. Why we benefit under his direction;
3. The state that mankind is consistently in because of the original rejection;
4. To help us to decide what side we want to be on (because he lovingly allows us to decide);
5. How we can show which side we are on;
6. How his unfolding plan will lead to the restoration of his original purposes for both mankind and the earth.
There is so much suffering around the world that it can tie your stomach into knots. Some people feel helpless, not being able to solve the world's problems to prevent so much hardship. It is hard to watch and hear the plight of others in need and despair, attempting to correlate and reason in our minds and hearts, while trying to make it through our own anxieties and wading our own way through life. It seems that all we can do is try to stay positive, look on the bright side, and be thankful for what we have. But even then, we know that it means ignoring the plight of others that we cannot help, to even do that. And thus, it can cause us to carry a sort of guilt along with our happiness and thankfulness. As a human race, we yearn for such things to end. We tend to want to stay focused on things that make us happy. It is important to know that our Creator promises an end to the hardships for mankind. This will be a time of joyful blessings extended to everyone on the earth!
Why is it still going on, and when will the suffering be over?
If Jehovah were to step in every single time there is a problem, then it would only validate that Satan's system is working. It would make Satan's deceptions seem true that we could indeed rule ourselves, cause whatever misery we want, and nothing bad will come of it. It would be like Jehovah giving up on what his original perfect purposes were for his own creations and going along with what Satan instigated. Does that seem right? No. That is clearly illogical and disrespectful towards our Creator, and his plan of perfect happiness, that which he originally had in store for us.
Instead, Jehovah has given ample time for mankind to try every form of rulership that it can come up with. He has given time to show mankind what happens when it rejects Jehovah's direction. He has given time to show what the rulership of the wicked one is like, the "freedom" to rule the self, and what plight the world is under because of it. How is Satan doing, ruling over the earth?
However, it also gives time for each individual to decide which side they'd like to be on and to learn what obedience towards our Creator involves. It gives time for each one of us to learn the Truth and to see what Jehovah has in store for his people, including the blessings he bestows upon ones, even now, who choose to submit to his sovereignty. It gives time for everyone to have a chance to welcome an invitation to be taught about his plan, his permanent solution, and the real everlasting kingdom that will rule over the earth very soon. It gives us a chance to realize what the paradise earth was supposed to be like in the beginning, and how it will be once again. Is that something you would like to see? Will you accept the invitation to learn more?
Something to think about: Do your spiritual leaders teach you this? Do they share with you why God is allowing the suffering to continue (even if it hurts him at his heart?) Are they teaching you what God says he has in store for the earth and how that relates to mankind in the future? If they are not, then they are withholding something good from you (in fact, the best thing). The very thing that Satan took away from mankind is the very thing that spiritual leaders are keeping from their flock when they don't teach about these things. Remember, even Mother Theresa wasn't taught, by the largest Christian institution in the world, why there is continued suffering, and what the permanent solution will be. Therefore, though undoubtedly she did great works of charity and displayed such devoted acts of kindness, she could not give real, satisfying answers to the ones who suffered, and that pained her deeply.
Keep searching and keep learning. Help others to understand, so that they have peace at heart knowing why things are the way they are, that the sufferings of the world will soon end, and blessings will abound upon the earth (Rev. 21:3,4). The Bible was given to all to understand. He wants us to know!
Keep in mind that this system is only temporary. The "real life" is the system to come, accomplishing with it the final restoration of all things (1 Tim. 6:19; Acts 3:21). Great blessings will be showered over mankind. Death will be no more (Rev. 21:3-4). True freedom does not come under Satan's rule, nor does it come from mankind ruling itself. True freedom comes from a world united under Jehovah's sovereignty in which he is satisfying the desire of every living thing (Psalm 145:16). The future will be amazing. It will be God's original purposes completed just as he promised. Can you even imagine?
Bible scriptures to appreciate:
Psalm 37:29-"The righteous will possess the earth,
And they will live forever on it."
Isaiah 25:8-"He will swallow up death forever,
And the Sovereign Lord Jehovah will wipe away the tears from all faces.
The reproach of his people he will take away from all the earth,
For Jehovah himself has spoken it."
Isaiah 55:11-"So my word that goes out of my mouth will be.
It will not return to me without results,
But it will certainly accomplish whatever is my delight,
And it will have sure success in what I send it to do."
Micah 4:1-5-"In the final part of the days,
The mountain of the house of Jehovah
Will become firmly established above the top of the mountains,
And it will be raised up above the hills,
And to it people's will stream.
And many nations will go and say:
"Come, let us go up to the mountain of Jehovah
And to the house of the God of Jacob.
He will instruct us about his ways,
And we will walk in his paths."
For law will go out of Zion,
And the word of Jehovah out of Jerusalem.
He will render judgment among many peoples
And set matters straight respecting mighty nations far away.
They will beat their swords into plowshares
And their spears into pruning shears.
Nation will not lift sword against nation,
Nor will they learn war anymore.
They will sit each one under his vine and under his fig tree,
And no one will make them afraid,
For the mouth of Jehovah of armies has spoken.
For all the peoples will walk, each in the name of its God,
But we will walk in the name of Jehovah our God forever and ever.
Psalm 37:10,11-Just a little while longer, and the wicked will be no more;
You will look at where they were,
And they will not be there.
But the meek will possess the earth,
And they will find exquisite delight in the abundance of peace.
Even Mother Theresa, during her darkest hours, serving amongst the ones suffering and dying in Calcutta, questioned why there was so much anguish, and if a God really did exist. If he did exist, then why wasn't he helping? Why did Mother Theresa not know the answer to that question? I find it shocking that in all of her years serving her church, that she didn't. However, many spiritual leaders professing to be Christian ministers today do not know the answer to why God allows suffering. It is disturbing to hear reasoning such as:
"We don't know why God does what he does. Just have faith."
"We need to have evil, or we wouldn't know what good is."
"God is punishing us."
The above reasons place blame on our Creator for mankind's suffering. This does not teach Truth. God is not the cause of our worldly problems. However, it is honest to say that he has allowed the hardships of the world to continue.
What is the Truth?
To understand why God allows the state of things to continue, we need to understand what the main issue was behind the events which took place in the Garden of Eden. Yes, the account explains why we have sin; it teaches us the importance of obeying; and it shows us that there is a being among us, capable of trickery and destruction who we need to watch out for. But, it also teaches us so much more.
When Satan manipulated Adam and Eve into disobeying their Creator, he raised a very important question: Who really has the right to rule? He brought into question the sovereignty of Jehovah. Satan challenged Jehovah. This is very important to recognize, because it was the main issue then; it is still the issue today; and it affects every single one of us.
(Please take time right now to read Genesis 3:1-7 in your own copy of the Bible.)
Satan was very sly. He did not call into question Jehovah's power. He very well knows that there is no limit to Jehovah's power. After all, it is by such power that the entire universe was created! Though by bringing into question Jehovah's sovereignty, Satan was essentially placing doubt and wonder into the mind of Eve concerning her Creator. Satan even implied that perhaps Jehovah was lying and was withholding good things from them.
(Gen 3:4-5) At this the serpent said to the woman: “You certainly will not die. For God knows that in the very day you eat from it, your eyes will be opened and you will be like God, knowing good and bad.”
By saying, "You certainly will not die", the serpent called Jehovah a liar, because Jehovah had said that they would die if they ate from the tree. Perhaps those deceptive words led Eve to consider thoughts such as:
"God told us that we would die, but this snake (who is speaking!) is telling me that we won't die. Why is this? Perhaps there is more than what God is telling us."
"What possibilities could be opened to us by the eating of that fruit that he has withheld from us? After all, a snake is talking and telling me these things. Did he eat from that very same tree?"
"What would it be like to make our own decisions and to decide for ourselves what is good and what is bad? Why do we need someone to tell us what is best for us anyway?"
The serpent was insinuating that Eve could, in a sense, be her own goddess. In fact, since Jehovah provided all of their needs in abundance, this was really the only thing Eve didn't already have: the right to rule herself-To be able to decide for herself what is good and what is bad. How tempting! And of course, Satan was clever enough to make it so.
The Bible doesn't say exactly what was going through Eve's mind, but any or all of those thoughts could have been. After all, that was the end to which Satan was striving...to manipulate the disobedience to Jehovah as to challenge his right to sovereignty. Despite what thoughts were being pondered within Eve's mind, Satan accomplished his task. Eve disobeyed her Creator's wishes, by partaking of the forbidden fruit. She then convinced Adam to do the same. At that moment, they had made the decision to reject the perfect rule of the one who gave to them, and sustained, their very lives. They made the decision to reject their Creator's direction, and instead, to direct their own step.
(Jeremiah 10:23)
I well know, O Jehovah, that man’s way does not belong to him.
It does not belong to man who is walking even to direct his step.
Jehovah, being a loving God, honored their request. So that they could not also eat from the "tree of life", they were set outside of the boundaries of the Garden (Genesis 3:22-24). This should not matter to them as they had decided that they no longer needed their loving Creator to provide for them. Now they could fend for themselves. They could experience the world on their own, without Jehovah's protection and provisions. They could make decisions for themselves. They could essentially rule themselves. Unfortunately, as Jehovah had lovingly warned them beforehand, that by making the decision to eat the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and bad, they would experience death. Thus, not only would they be responsible for passing on the inclination towards badness (selfishness, pride, greed, etc.) to their offspring, but now also the inevitable outcome of death. This is definitely not what God had originally intended for mankind, but rather what the first humans chose for themselves.
Jehovah could have used his extraordinary power to simply wipe out Adam and Eve and start over. However, because of his great wisdom, he knew that this would not suffice. Not only were the uncertainties and questions that Satan brought forth placed into the minds of the two humans, but the angels were also engaged. Since the angels can listen, observe, and were also given free-will, this issue was now something that they would inevitably take sides on as well. As we know from scripture, a great handful of angels did, in fact, follow Satan. Therefore, by simply removing Adam and Eve from the earth and starting over was not a good plan. There would still be angels questioning if Satan could have been right. Sure, it would have been a convincing display of Jehovah's great power, but it wouldn't prove that his sovereignty was the most beneficial way to follow. How would they know for sure? Who's to say it wouldn't happen again? Jehovah needed to set the record straight once and for all.
Immediately, Jehovah set a plan into motion (Genesis 3:15). So, the fact that he has a plan is true. But purposely putting people through anguish for punishment is not (James 1:13). Remember, humans initially brought the suffering upon themselves, by rejecting Jehovah's rule. Something to think about: Does this not still happen today?
The Bible teaches us:
1. What Jehovah needs us to know about his sovereignty;
2. Why we benefit under his direction;
3. The state that mankind is consistently in because of the original rejection;
4. To help us to decide what side we want to be on (because he lovingly allows us to decide);
5. How we can show which side we are on;
6. How his unfolding plan will lead to the restoration of his original purposes for both mankind and the earth.
There is so much suffering around the world that it can tie your stomach into knots. Some people feel helpless, not being able to solve the world's problems to prevent so much hardship. It is hard to watch and hear the plight of others in need and despair, attempting to correlate and reason in our minds and hearts, while trying to make it through our own anxieties and wading our own way through life. It seems that all we can do is try to stay positive, look on the bright side, and be thankful for what we have. But even then, we know that it means ignoring the plight of others that we cannot help, to even do that. And thus, it can cause us to carry a sort of guilt along with our happiness and thankfulness. As a human race, we yearn for such things to end. We tend to want to stay focused on things that make us happy. It is important to know that our Creator promises an end to the hardships for mankind. This will be a time of joyful blessings extended to everyone on the earth!
Why is it still going on, and when will the suffering be over?
If Jehovah were to step in every single time there is a problem, then it would only validate that Satan's system is working. It would make Satan's deceptions seem true that we could indeed rule ourselves, cause whatever misery we want, and nothing bad will come of it. It would be like Jehovah giving up on what his original perfect purposes were for his own creations and going along with what Satan instigated. Does that seem right? No. That is clearly illogical and disrespectful towards our Creator, and his plan of perfect happiness, that which he originally had in store for us.
Instead, Jehovah has given ample time for mankind to try every form of rulership that it can come up with. He has given time to show mankind what happens when it rejects Jehovah's direction. He has given time to show what the rulership of the wicked one is like, the "freedom" to rule the self, and what plight the world is under because of it. How is Satan doing, ruling over the earth?
However, it also gives time for each individual to decide which side they'd like to be on and to learn what obedience towards our Creator involves. It gives time for each one of us to learn the Truth and to see what Jehovah has in store for his people, including the blessings he bestows upon ones, even now, who choose to submit to his sovereignty. It gives time for everyone to have a chance to welcome an invitation to be taught about his plan, his permanent solution, and the real everlasting kingdom that will rule over the earth very soon. It gives us a chance to realize what the paradise earth was supposed to be like in the beginning, and how it will be once again. Is that something you would like to see? Will you accept the invitation to learn more?
Something to think about: Do your spiritual leaders teach you this? Do they share with you why God is allowing the suffering to continue (even if it hurts him at his heart?) Are they teaching you what God says he has in store for the earth and how that relates to mankind in the future? If they are not, then they are withholding something good from you (in fact, the best thing). The very thing that Satan took away from mankind is the very thing that spiritual leaders are keeping from their flock when they don't teach about these things. Remember, even Mother Theresa wasn't taught, by the largest Christian institution in the world, why there is continued suffering, and what the permanent solution will be. Therefore, though undoubtedly she did great works of charity and displayed such devoted acts of kindness, she could not give real, satisfying answers to the ones who suffered, and that pained her deeply.
Keep searching and keep learning. Help others to understand, so that they have peace at heart knowing why things are the way they are, that the sufferings of the world will soon end, and blessings will abound upon the earth (Rev. 21:3,4). The Bible was given to all to understand. He wants us to know!
Keep in mind that this system is only temporary. The "real life" is the system to come, accomplishing with it the final restoration of all things (1 Tim. 6:19; Acts 3:21). Great blessings will be showered over mankind. Death will be no more (Rev. 21:3-4). True freedom does not come under Satan's rule, nor does it come from mankind ruling itself. True freedom comes from a world united under Jehovah's sovereignty in which he is satisfying the desire of every living thing (Psalm 145:16). The future will be amazing. It will be God's original purposes completed just as he promised. Can you even imagine?
Bible scriptures to appreciate:
Psalm 37:29-"The righteous will possess the earth,
And they will live forever on it."
Isaiah 25:8-"He will swallow up death forever,
And the Sovereign Lord Jehovah will wipe away the tears from all faces.
The reproach of his people he will take away from all the earth,
For Jehovah himself has spoken it."
Isaiah 55:11-"So my word that goes out of my mouth will be.
It will not return to me without results,
But it will certainly accomplish whatever is my delight,
And it will have sure success in what I send it to do."
Micah 4:1-5-"In the final part of the days,
The mountain of the house of Jehovah
Will become firmly established above the top of the mountains,
And it will be raised up above the hills,
And to it people's will stream.
And many nations will go and say:
"Come, let us go up to the mountain of Jehovah
And to the house of the God of Jacob.
He will instruct us about his ways,
And we will walk in his paths."
For law will go out of Zion,
And the word of Jehovah out of Jerusalem.
He will render judgment among many peoples
And set matters straight respecting mighty nations far away.
They will beat their swords into plowshares
And their spears into pruning shears.
Nation will not lift sword against nation,
Nor will they learn war anymore.
They will sit each one under his vine and under his fig tree,
And no one will make them afraid,
For the mouth of Jehovah of armies has spoken.
For all the peoples will walk, each in the name of its God,
But we will walk in the name of Jehovah our God forever and ever.
Psalm 37:10,11-Just a little while longer, and the wicked will be no more;
You will look at where they were,
And they will not be there.
But the meek will possess the earth,
And they will find exquisite delight in the abundance of peace.
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