Are The Waters Drying Up?

As the Bible has prophesied, false religion's waters are drying up. The more they do, the more religions move further away from God's word and closer to the world, trying to appease the people and lure them in. Doing this is also prophesied, and continues the walk into the deserved final "destruction of religion" (Rev. 17:16; Rev. 18:8, 21).

Many people will praise the destruction of religion, but really, God's truth will never disappear, nor will the ones who love and live by that truth (1 Chron 16:34; 2 John 2; Psalm 37:29)Therefore, it ultimately serves to not only remove the harlot (Rev. 17:1-5), but to expose the condition of the heart towards Jehovah and his rightful sovereignty.

We are deep in the last days, and it is all playing out right in front of us. God warns us that there are ones in false religion that need to get out (Rev. 18:4). If you are questioning whether your religion is teaching truth, now is the time to take a very serious, prayerful, look at it, and if this is the case, do not simply ignore or justify. Get out [of her] and head for Jehovah's mountain (Isaiah 2:2-5).  Jesus is the way, and by heeding his words closely, and praying with an honest, searching heart, you will find the right path (John 14:6).

The waters of any church / religion that are not teaching truth are going to dry up completely very soon. By staying in a church that is not in line with Bible truth is not a good idea, or he wouldn't be warning to "get out".  Is your church / religion teaching by tradition or truth? Does your church teach truth or lie down for the world?  Does your church teach unconditional love or does it instigate division and hate?  Don't hate (Matt. 22:37-39; Luke 6:27-28, 35) - Remember, every individual has a God-given right to choose where they wish to stand, and someday they may even be a brother or a sister in the faith.

The involvement with the world and the "tumultuous sea" is a distraction from the big picture, and causes many to develop attitude and a heart condition that is in opposition to Jesus's words. Stay focused on the race in front of us. (Acts 4:25; Isaiah 57:20; John 15:19; Hebrews 12:1)

How will you recognize Jesus's disciples?
“By this all will know that you are my disciples, if you have love among yourselves.”JOHN 13:35.
See also:  How Can You Identify Jesus's Sheep?
