Things to pray for and apply in our lives = fruitage of the spirit (Galatians 5:22,23):
patience (long-suffering)
One of the "works of the flesh" (Galatians 5:19-21) that I had to really face and work on was "fits of anger". This was a difficult one to acknowledge, because it's such an easy one to brush over...especially when you're no longer angry. However, his word tells us that "those who practice such things [the works of the flesh] will not inherit God’s Kingdom". So, it's not small, it's big; important to consider; life-changing.
Like other characteristics there, it's one that needs attention and taming before it happens. You need to change yourself from within, and know that you do not want to conduct yourself that way. You have to rise above your emotions, catch it coming, and purposely choose to alter your action. It's not easy to make the change, it's hard. Pray for help and guidance. You have to learn to love God, and know that he is worth your trust and obedience.
All of the "works of the flesh" are changeable. They all basically fall under self-control, initially....Love, ultimately. Anyone is capable of changing any of those things, turning away from them, and towards the fruitage of the spirit. Change the habit from negative to positive. There are no excuses. No justifications. You either choose to work on them, or not. It's an individual, God-given choice.
Is it worth the effort? Most definitely. Life-changing? Absolutely. It's ultimately a better way.
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